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Web Design Information:


Keep Your Navigation Consistent!

One of the single most important aspects of effective navigation is conistency. Why? There's a simple reason.

Keep Your Navigation Simple!

Navigation must be simple. Since it's the backbone of your site, it's imperative that visitors be able to understand it.

Keep Your Navigation Highly Visible

Effective navigation stands out. It's clear, obvious, and highly visible.

Question to Ask When Designing a Website for Clients

Question to ask when designing a Web Site for your client (s)."Excerpt from the book: Graphic Artists Guild, Handbook Pricing & Ethical guidelines Written by: Brent ParkerThese question are a great tool to use when trying to develop your clients website.

Immutable Laws Of Effective Navigation - Part 1

The first immutable law of effective navigation: It's gotta be readily available.Visitors should not have to hunt for your navigation or wonder where to find it.

Is A Picture Really Worth a Thousand Words?

The great debate: how much copy you should have on your site, particularly on the home page?Do you subscribe to the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words--and therefore images, not a lot of text, should be the main thrust of your home page? Or do words have more power to capture a visitor's attention and compel them to buy--meaning you should aim for powerful copy?As a graphic designer, my natural inclination is to create graphically-rich, light text websites. Since I'm focused on what a site looks like visually, I like using impressive images, bold splashes of color all over the page, and not very much copy.

Choosing Form Over Function Kills Your Site

Never put form over function. Why? Because it's crucial that visitors actually be able to USE your site.

Leave Those Links Blue!

Don't mess with those links! When you're designing your site, you should leave your text links in their natural state--blue and underlined. We all want to be creative and not do the bland, expected, normal thing.

Why Dot-Coms Fail - a Webmasters Perspective

Everyday we hear that another company goes out of business.When and why does a dot-com become a dot-bomb?After checking few dozen defunct companies, I think the main reason for dot-coms failure are:Poor business plan.

A Great Banner Only Needs Simple Things

To create your own great banner, you only need five (5) simple things:1. Size according to standards.

When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money

So how do you know when your graphic designer costs you financially and emotionally? When a file is not prepared correctly? When you go to press and have your media material produced in prints, and find out that the file was built incorrectly, then that's the time when your graphic designer will cost you money. Many pre-press operators have complained about having to correct graphic designers work.

You Too Can Have Fun With Sepia Images!

If you are one of those who wonder how people come up with the cool looking sepia tone prints that you admire so much. If you are doubling up with jealousy over a sepia tone, here, we will give you tips on how you could achieve this sepia tone, too.

A Crash Course on Graphic Philosophy 101

Novice and professional graphic designers, we are aware that you know the basic principles of graphic philosophy. But then, as workers of art - though digital and graphic art already borders in commercial arts, there's no harm in continuously improving our craft through contant study and practice, is there? Really great graphic designers I know have come to their status because of painstaking application and study of their past works.

Your Website Hurts My Eyes: 7 Reason to Tone Down Your Advertising

So you're on the computer, as usual. Your eyes are smarting.

If Content is King who is Queen?

It's been said again and again, when it comes to getting people to visit your site (and stay there for more than 5 seconds), the quality of your content rules supreme. But once you've bowed to interest, saluted relevance and cow-towed to originality, who else must you pay homage to for recognition in the court of website stickiness? The two jewels in the crown of Presentation, for it is of course Presentation who is Queen, are structure and graphical design.

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