Hover-surf owners and admins get your site listed here. We want to promote your site here at no cost to you.
Help us to help you. Make sure the fact that your site is a Hover-Surf enabled site is a main feature and prominently displayed on your home page.
All sites will be monitored and verified for compliance and ease of use for seniors, and those with disabilities to engage in the marketing arena.
Small things can inhibit or prevent our workforce from using a traffic-exchange.
Surf your own sites daily to see what you can do to improve it for our members.
There are many new active members entering this situation each year. You may even be one of them someday.
Is your site ready?
wendysu85 will be visiting you soon or in your database of members now.
Please give us your support for a rewarding future available to all.
Notice: Many seniors and persons of disability are community residents using a wi-fi connection.
Please do not use this or any other reason to discriminate against them. Discrimination hurts everyone.
We are a viable work force ready to work together for the benefit of all.