Rent-A-Page Quick Estimate.

Small Business Homepage $99

greenball.gif - 1.0 KLogo or photo scanning
greenball.gif - 1.0 KFive Links
greenball.gif - 1.0 K200 Words of text
greenball.gif - 1.0 KFree icons
greenball.gif - 1.0 KEmail link
greenball.gif - 1.0 KFive Images
greenball.gif - 1.0 KOne Animated Image
greenball.gif - 1.0 KChoice of Backgrounds

Commercial Site $299

greenball.gif - 1.0 KThree Full Pages
greenball.gif - 1.0 K600 Words of text
greenball.gif - 1.0 KAccess Counter
greenball.gif - 1.0 KTen links
greenball.gif - 1.0 KEmail link
greenball.gif - 1.0 KEight graphic images
greenball.gif - 1.0 KThree Animated images
greenball.gif - 1.0 KChoice of Backgrounds

What else is available?

ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KAnimation
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KSound
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KVideo
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KJava Special Effects
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KCustom Graphics Design
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KInteractive Forms
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KWeb Space from $15 a month
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KTotal Internet Marketing
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KTables
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KLogo Design
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KFramed Pages
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KImage Scanning
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KAccess Counters
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KAutomated Order Taking
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KWeb Search Registration
ani-dot.gif - 1.0 KWebsite Promotion Package

How do we get started?

First we need some of your ideas and input to ensure that your needs are being met. It's very helpful to use our WebSite Planner , or simply fill out the Estimate Form and we will reply with an estimate and solutions. Are you looking for the ultimate site with Advanced Features? No problem. We offer a wide range of programming services. To place an order E-Mail us for a prompt reply.

home.gif - 2.0 K portfolio.gif - 0.8 K business.gif - 3.0 K features.gif - 0.8 K animation.gif - 0.8 K estimate.gif - 0.9 K emailus.gif - 3.0 K

metaline.gif - 1.9 K

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