A Look At Cigar HumidorsCigar humidors are storage units designed to hold, preserve and display a collection of cigars. They come in varying shapes and sizes, and can typically be custom made to suit the tastes of the owner. Cigar humidors are an essential appliance for any serious cigar aficionado, and can be priced anywhere from $50 for a simple wood box made to hold a few cigars, up into the thousands for an elegant, handcrafted display case providing maximum preservation and elegance. The most important aspect of a cigar humidor is its climate control system. This is what keeps the product fresh, preserving both the look and the taste of the cigars over long periods of time. Humidity and temperature are carefully controlled and monitored in the most advanced systems. For example, in the Climatech model by Vigilant, a maker of custom humidors and cabinets, the system automatically heats, cool, humidifies or dehumidifies the unit in response to outside conditions. It features digital controls and can operate maintenance-free for up to 90 days, holding up to 2600 cigars in the largest model. In addition to the ready-made humidors available, a person can also turn almost any chest or cabinet into a climate controlled space for storing cigars with the purchase of a separate humidification system. These devices are designed to automatically monitor and control the climate of any room, thus keeping the conditions at an optimal level for the preservation of cigars. Cigar shops and stores typically have a system called a walk-in humidor. These are full-sized rooms where inventory is stored and can be dispLaid for customers. The entire area is under the same kind of climate control system used for the smaller containers or display cases, optimizing the humidity and temperature to keep cigars looking, smelling and tasting as fresh as the day they were produced. For both the casual cigar smoker and the serious aficionado, a cigar humidor is the key to longer lasting, better cigars, as well as an aesthetically pleasing way to show off a collection. Cigars Info provides comprehensive information on cigar smoking, Cuban cigars, discount cigars, humidors, lighters, boxes, and more. Cigars Info is the sister site of Humidors Web.
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