Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.
In his article called Knee Deep in Asbestos, freelance writer Phil Jones relates how when he was a teenager he worked for a brief time in an asbestos mine in the Yukon. One of the features of daily life was the constant presence of asbestos dust in the air. As Jones writes,
There were employees that worked in the mill whose sole job was to sweep up the dust that fell on the floor. There was so much of it that this was a constant ongoing job. The asbestos dust in the mill actually fell almost like snow and covered the floor completely. Without sweepers there would probably have been several inches of asbestos dust on the floor within an hour or so. In fact, I remember seeing sweepers go by pushing their wide brooms and the new dust settling onto the floor behind them as they walked.
This story illustrates a number of the more sinister aspects of the whole mesothelioma story.
First, over the course of many decades, countless workers were placed in work environments where they were exposed to high levels of asbestos fibre with little protection. Their exposure to asbestos fibres was constant and often took place over a very long period of time - in most cases, over many years.
Second, the owners and managers of these work places were often either unaware of the risk of mesothelioma, or they actively attempted to hide or cover up those risks.
Third, since the effects of exposure to asbestos fibre often do not become apparent for 30 or 40 years after prolonged exposure, there often appeared to be no immediate health risk in these work environments. This made it very difficult for workers or their representatives to make a convincing case that worker health was being sacrificed on the altar of corporate profit.
For more information about mesothelioma, the causes of mesothelioma, the effects of mesothelioma, and the legal courses of action open to mesothelioma victims, visit Mesothelioma Advisors.
Rick Hendershot is a writer and founder of the Linknet Publishing Network. To learn how you can benefit from original articles, and posted around the web, see our program called the Linknet Promote with Articles Program.
Lung Cancer 101 What You Need to Know About Accounting about for 14% of all cancers and 28% of all cancer deaths, Lung Cancer is now the major cause of deaths (of both men and women) in the United States apart from being the most prevalent species of cancer. Lung Cancer is different from benign cancer tumors (which do not generally spread to other parts of the body affecting only the part which is hit by it) as Lung Cancer (having the ability to start anywhere in the respiratory systems or lungs) CAN spread to different organs of the body. Mesothelioma Cancer Diagnosed: Dealing With Emotions People deal with and react to having cancer in different ways. There really isn't a right or wrong way to behave or feel regarding this disease and it is easily forgotten that partners, family and friends will need support as well. Mesothelioma Book - Review "Lean on Me" Cancer through a caregiver's eyes Lorraine Kember (2003) 130pp.ISBN 0 646 49969 6As Janet Craven, palliative care nurse, and Andrew Dean, palliative care physician note in their respective forwards to this book, Lean on Me is a unique and intensely personal description of a writer's responses to her husband Brian's diagnosis, treatments and final death from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma Information Help Depending on the stage of the disease, the most common treatments are surgical removal of the affected tissues, chemotherapy, or radiation. There is some concern that research into mesothelioma will be minimal, because it is projected to be a short-lived disease in terms of new cases after the next 30 years. Your Mesothelioma Case Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone's negligence. Acoustic Asbestos Ceiling Removal, Is It Necessary? Homeowners with acoustic asbestos ceiling question about the effects of asbestos contained within its materials that if inhaled would cause serious health hazards.If material contains more than 1% of asbestos, EPA defines as it's containing. Mesothelioma Cancer: Early Warning Signs and Causes What is Mesothelioma? Chances are you may never have heard of mesothelioma cancer unless you or a relative have the disease. Still considered as a rare cancer, it has been popularized by its linkage to asbestos. Mesothelioma - an Asbestos Related Lung Cancer Mesothelioma is a form of cancer located in the lining of either the lungs, abdomen or the heart. These linings are thin layers of tissue covering the organ. Peritoneal Mesothelioma Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare disease. The tissue lining the abdomen is called the peritoneum. Screening for Mesothelioma Doctor appointments are critical to make sure you're staying in proper health. However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments. Mesothelioma in the UK Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the external lining of the lungs (pleura) and the lower digestive tract (peritoneum). The disease has been linked to exposure with asbestos dust. Gene Therapy for Mesothelioma An exciting new treatment that has given hope to mesothelioma victims is called gene therapy. Gene therapy attempts to decipher why proteins within certain cells cause them to be resilient to cancer while some cells do not. Asbestos Killed My Husband He was only a child when it begun -and he played as children do- in his yard with his toy cars and tip trucks But his sand was asbestos blue? In December 1999, my husband and I were walking home from a game of lawn bowls when I became aware of his shortness of breath. I was surprised and concerned when he told me that he had experienced this on several occasions. Mesothelioma Tragically the word mesothelioma is becoming more and more well known, the mere mention of it striking fear into all of us for we know that it is associated with death. Asbestos is the reaper, mesothelioma its hand maiden. The Facts About Lung Cancer - Better To Be Aware Keep yourself abreast of facts about lung cancer, as the statistics of affliction are staggering and in most cases, lung cancer can even be prevented. Cancer, the dreaded disease, is a malady marked by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which rapidly destroy healthy tissue. How to Treat Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure There are many forms of treatment for Mesothelioma. Their effectiveness is on a cases by case basis. Protect Against Mesothelioma by Avoiding Asbestos Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that attacks the body's mesothelial cells around the organs. The mesothelium provides a protective membranous lining for the internal organs and allows moving organs (i. What Are The Risk Factors For Mesothelioma? Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma cancer. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. Lung Cancer Discoveries There is a new way to treat lung cancer with four-dimensional protons. Sounds way out and kind of science fiction like, but there is some validity to the theory and on-going research. Asbestos and Mesothelioma Asbestos is a dangerous and potentially deadly substance that was once widely used in a range of items, from ceiling and wall tiles to insulation and auto brakes. In the past, most people outside of the industry were totally unaware of the dangers relating to asbestos. |
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