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Animal Ethics


A long time ago, before evolution turned the primate into the businessman carrying a brief case, the topic of ethical considerations concerning animals was as talked about as an episode of Barney at a dog trainer's convention. Why is this? I believe that this is because nobody bothered to decide to give the issue any thought. And how could they? Back in the day of the cave man, people spent their days' hunting, and looking after family. Whatever animals they owned were used for hunting purposes, or food. Today we as society still use animals for hunting and food purposes, however I am sure that we have a more animalistic view now than the cave man did back years ago.

Over the years, as we have evolved into what we are today, ethical and principle considerations have evolved right along with us. What I can not understand, is why it took so long for people to start considering the feelings of animals!

In today's society, many animals are abused, neglected and tortured in various hideous ways. Back in the day of the cave man, I am sure that similar behavior took place. Is it a case of evolution installing a sense of compassion towards our animals, or is it something deeper? I do not know the answer to this, but I do know that values and ethics are passed down from generation to generation, and it is up to us today to instill our values on the next generation so that we can continue to provide the optimum environment for our animals to live in and enjoy.

In the following paper, I will analyze key ethical principles that I have, and relate them to some of society's most talked about animal related issues. In doing this I will discuss issues from both sides of the fence however, emphasis will be placed on my own beliefs as this is afterall a reflection paper. Some issues being discussed in this paper include: Views on service dogs, animal rights, and animal-master bond just to name a few.

Service Dogs

"Dogs that have been specially trained to assist a disabled person with certain daily tasks." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)

This definition given by the above source is the best way that I could ever describe a service dog. Having the ability to further one's independence is an amazing feeling that is not felt until one is in the position to do so; yet in a lot of cases, people have a negative outlook on the use of dogs or other animals as providers and assistive partners for those who need them. I myself, am a huge service dog advocate. Being able to witness first hand what a dog can do for a disabled person has made me wonder why there are people out there who disagree with the service dog concept; however, There are people out there who simply view the dog as "man's best friend." These people have the belief that a dog is a pet, and should be pampered, and not forced to be given the responsibilities that service dogs are given. I can totally understand why these people would be against service dogs based on their own values, however what I do disagree with is the way that these people go about degrading the work put in by thousands of dedicated individuals to ensure that a successful dog/handler team is formed. Rallies against the use of dogs for service needs are held now and again, and you can not get away from people staring or yelling "slave labor" as you pass them. What these people do not understand, is that service dogs live more productive, healthy and fulfilling lives than most family pets.

Because of the work that these dogs willing and happily perform, they are subjected to very high quality care, (e.g.) top of the line dog food, ample exercise and against popular belief, a lot of normal doggie activity. The aim in a dog's life is to please, and I wish those people against the use of service dogs could be there every morning when I ask Luther if he is ready to go to work!

Animal Master Bond

The saying "dog is a man's best friend" is one that I hold a lot of respect for. First of all unconditional love from a dog to a master is incomparable to that of another human being. Second, dog's do not blab secrets that you tell them! All kidding aside, the dog has and will be one of man's best comrades, because they have what we all want and need, this being an ability to put up with us, understand us better than we think they do, and the ability to make us feel better when we are sad.

On a personal level, I love spending time with my dog, and would rather his company to the company of most people. No he can not talk to me or give me advice on problems that I tell him about, however he is always there for me with a lick and a tail wag, letting me know in his own way that he loves me and wants to be with me.

I do believe that I may have an unhealthy relationship with my dog. When spending the majority of your day in close proximity with an animal I have found it impossible not to grow used to the constence of him being there. On an ethical level, people may view this as unethical due to the fact that it may look to them that I need my dog to function as a human being. This is not the case. I need my dog to assist me in day to day activity that could be performed minus the dog, however is greatly enhanced with the assistants that he provides me.

Of course you will get the "oh he's so smart," or "Oh he is so well behaved in public," kind of people, however others again may view the fact that the dog is so in tune with what I am doing as a negative. I have talked with people in the past about my dog's willingness to be with me and why he travels everywhere with me instead of lying in the corner 24 hours a day or chasing cars like normal dogs. The animal bond works two ways: them being, the dog bonding to the master and the master bonding to the dog. I never knew the feeling of a human dog commensal relationship until I got to know my own dog, and it is a feeling that I will not trade for the world, and I would say that Luther feels the same as I do. We both respect each other, we both know what is expected of each other, we both know what buttons to press and not to press, and we definitely know how to have fun either with each other or apart. However going back to the unhealthy bonding issue, this is where I believe I may have gone wrong with my dog.

By spending so much time together, we have become used to each other's company, and when we are apart, I miss him terribly and I know he feels the same way I do. Dogs wear their emotions on their paws, and I can tell when he is stressed or upset as I'm sure he can tell if I am feeling different than normal. This said, I would not trade or relationship for the world. Luther makes my life easier, and in return, I provide him with love, a stable home, and everything else that a big slab of lab needs to enjoy his life to the fullest.

Animal Rights

Being an animal lover, it is hard to understand the difficulty over the years to ensure animal rights are afforded to our animals. We as humans have the power to control a lot of external powers that may confront us, however our animals don't, and for the longest time we have ignored this fact and focused on fending for ourselves. This puzzles me because I am sure that over the years, we have noticed that human rights issues have become more and more prominent. People fighting for their rights is a great thing, however why is it so hard to believe that animals shouldn't have rights also? Just because the common dog can not stand up and say, "I have the right to pee on any patch of grass that I want," does not mean that that right should not be given to him/her does it?

I am not a huge animal rights advocate, however I do believe that they do need to be prominent in society so that people know that they can be held responsible if a right to an animal is withheld, the same way that some one can be held responsible if a right to a human is denied.

Do We As Humans Have The Right To Make Decisions For Animals?

The answer to this question I believe has changed over the years. Years ago before the cat and dog were domesticated, I share the belief that these animals had the ability to fend for themselves without any human interaction. Now that we have taken steps to domesticate the common dog and cat as well as numerous other types of mammals, reptiles and birds, I believe that we do play and need to play a role in the decision making process that these creatures go through.

When we domesticate an animal we suppress its natural instincts that it is born with. This sounds harsh, but it is so true. Take for example the undomesticated dog. The undomesticated dog kills for its food as today's domesticated dog is fed from a bag or a can. I would like nothing better than to delve into the mind of a dog to find out which he prefers, however that component of science is unfortunately yet to be developed.

Being able to modify such an important aspect to the dogs life pattern scares me because it shows me how much mankind can dominate basically anything living that it chooses; this said, I do believe that humans do need to play a big role in the lives of today's pets. Suppressing an animals instincts is quite different from eliminating them. Stray dogs will still form packs and can be cause for concern if not delbt with. Your cute little guy could be all hunkie dorie in the daytime, and turn into Wolf Dracula at nighttime while you are sleeping, returning to curl up by your fireplace the following morning. The pray drive of the common dog is what can get him/her into trouble and this is why I believe that human, master bond is so important.

Speaking from experience, having a good relationship with your dog or cat helps to eliminate bad decisions that your pet can make. Sometimes, your furry pet is triggered by primitive instinct, the same instinct that mankind has tried so hard to suppress due to its unwantedness in human society. This is an excellent example of why I believe that we need to play a part in the decision making of our pets. I think ethical beliefs need to be modified when discussing domesticated or non-domesticated animals. Thanks to the effort of mankind, we need to assist our domesticated friends because they do not have the capability to fully function by themselves. I do not mean to sound derogatory by this last statement. I am 100% thankful for the work that our predecessors have put in to allow us to enjoy the company of a non-human companion. My belief is that most domesticated animals live better lives than they would've led in the wild so how can domesticating an animal b unethical? I'm guessing the response to this question would very depending on the person answering it, and that is ok. People's opinions will be different based on their ethical beliefs and I would never try to push my beliefs on to some one else, however I think I speak for the majority of the population when I say that without domesticated animals in our lives, life would just not be the same.


I wish I could say that both nondomesticated and now domesticated animals have thrived on evolution as we as humans have, however I do understand that a significant component of animal evolution is due to man's interference. Whether we like it or not, mankind was and is responsible for a large aspect of the animal kingdom as we see it today. Clearing land, expansion and willingness to befriend, has greatly altered natural evolution and has imposed the will of mankind on to our co-habitating non-human species. In today's world I am grateful to have the option of walking up to a dog or a cat and petting him/her, an option that I would not have before domestication became prominent. In today's society, animals play a huge role in the lives of millions of people worldwide. Whether it be by fulfillment, labor related or just company, it is very evident that life would not be what it is today without the domesticated animal along side us. These animals provide us with friendship, love, protection, a good laugh, and stress relief and it is because of all these positive factors that make me selfish as well as very thankful that evolutionization has occurred to the level that it has.

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JD Vance appears to admit tale about Haitian immigrants eating pets is made-up as he loses cool with CNN host - The Independent
JD Vance appears to admit tale about Haitian immigrants eating pets is made-up as he loses cool with CNN host  The Independent

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Vance Sticks By Pet-Eating Claims and Says He’s Willing to ‘Create Stories’ - The New York Times
Vance Sticks By Pet-Eating Claims and Says He’s Willing to ‘Create Stories’  The New York Times

Vance defends spreading claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets - NPR
Vance defends spreading claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets  NPR

Even Fox News Tries to Shut Down Lara Trump on Pet-Eating Conspiracy - The New Republic
Even Fox News Tries to Shut Down Lara Trump on Pet-Eating Conspiracy  The New Republic

More Than Half of Republicans Believe Haitians Are Eating Pets: Poll - Newsweek
More Than Half of Republicans Believe Haitians Are Eating Pets: Poll  Newsweek

No, Immigrants Aren’t Eating Your Pets. But Vance Says the Lie Was Worth It. | US News Opinion - U.S. News & World Report
No, Immigrants Aren’t Eating Your Pets. But Vance Says the Lie Was Worth It. | US News Opinion  U.S. News & World Report

Ohio police dispute new allegations immigrants are eating pets in Dayton - CBS News
Ohio police dispute new allegations immigrants are eating pets in Dayton  CBS News

Blaming Immigrants For Eating Pets Is An Old American Urban Legend - Forbes
Blaming Immigrants For Eating Pets Is An Old American Urban Legend  Forbes

Trump's running mate Vance doubles down on false 'pet-eating' claims -
Trump's running mate Vance doubles down on false 'pet-eating' claims

Donald Trump repeats baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio -
Donald Trump repeats baseless claim about Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio

JD Vance says he does not regret spreading baseless rumors of migrants eating pets - USA TODAY
JD Vance says he does not regret spreading baseless rumors of migrants eating pets  USA TODAY

Don’t get a pet just yet - The Baylor Lariat
Don’t get a pet just yet  The Baylor Lariat

More than 30 bomb threats made in Springfield, Ohio, after false pets claims - NBC News
More than 30 bomb threats made in Springfield, Ohio, after false pets claims  NBC News

Trump’s Viral ‘They’re Eating The Pets’ Line Spawns TikTok Dance Craze - Forbes
Trump’s Viral ‘They’re Eating The Pets’ Line Spawns TikTok Dance Craze  Forbes

Chaos Dogs City Where Trump Says Haitians Eat Pets - The Daily Beast
Chaos Dogs City Where Trump Says Haitians Eat Pets  The Daily Beast

JD Vance now admits to lying about Haitian immigrants eating pets on purpose - MSNBC
JD Vance now admits to lying about Haitian immigrants eating pets on purpose  MSNBC

JD Vance defends baseless rumor about Haitian immigrants eating pets - CNN
JD Vance defends baseless rumor about Haitian immigrants eating pets  CNN

Watch: Ohio Attorney General Refuses to Disavow Racist Pet-Eating Lie - The New Republic
Watch: Ohio Attorney General Refuses to Disavow Racist Pet-Eating Lie  The New Republic

Vance defends claim Haitian migrants are eating neighbors’ pets - VOA Asia
Vance defends claim Haitian migrants are eating neighbors’ pets  VOA Asia

JD Vance ate my dog and Elon Musk ate my cat. Will Trump address this very real issue? - USA TODAY
JD Vance ate my dog and Elon Musk ate my cat. Will Trump address this very real issue?  USA TODAY

'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians - NBC News
'It just exploded': Springfield woman claims she never meant to spark false rumors about Haitians  NBC News

Trump lying about migrants eating pets was 'truly an idiotic moment': Former Rep. Jolly - MSNBC
Trump lying about migrants eating pets was 'truly an idiotic moment': Former Rep. Jolly  MSNBC

J. D. Vance Imagines a Day in the Life of a Pet-Eating Immigrant - McSweeney's Internet Tendency
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Donald Trump vows mass deportations from Ohio town rocked by 'pet-eating' lies -
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‘Not helpful’ for Trump and others to talk about pets being eaten, Ohio’s governor says - POLITICO
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Vance again pushes pet-eating claims: "Constituents are saying these things are happening" - Axios
Vance again pushes pet-eating claims: "Constituents are saying these things are happening"  Axios

Vance defends pet-eating claims, says he will 'create stories' to get media attention - MSNBC
Vance defends pet-eating claims, says he will 'create stories' to get media attention  MSNBC

Officials warn of scammers targeting people with lost pets - Minnesota Daily
Officials warn of scammers targeting people with lost pets  Minnesota Daily

Springfield Women Who Spread False Rumor About Haitians Eating Pets Admit They 'Don't Have Any Proof’ - PEOPLE
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Dayton Leaders Rebuke New Migrants 'Eating Pets' Claim Shared by JD Vance - Newsweek
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Most Americans believe natural disasters are unavoidable — but few have a plan for their pets: survey - New York Post
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People are splurging like never before on their pets - The Economist
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Springfield mayor: 'No verifiable’ claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets - CNN
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'Haitians are not eating pets': Springfield faith leaders stand with migrants  The Christian Century

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Trump, GOP fuel conspiracy theories: Eating pets, a rigged debate and QAnon - The Washington Post
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Woman Behind Springfield Haitian Immigrants 'Eating Pets' Rumor Speaks Out - Newsweek
Woman Behind Springfield Haitian Immigrants 'Eating Pets' Rumor Speaks Out  Newsweek

JD Vance doubles down on claims of migrants eating Americans’ pets - Al Jazeera English
JD Vance doubles down on claims of migrants eating Americans’ pets  Al Jazeera English

Fact Check: No evidence of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets in Ohio - Reuters
Fact Check: No evidence of Haitian immigrants stealing and eating pets in Ohio  Reuters

Immigrants are not eating pets or stealing votes, but race-baiting lies are hurting Wisconsin - Wisconsin Examiner
Immigrants are not eating pets or stealing votes, but race-baiting lies are hurting Wisconsin  Wisconsin Examiner

Family loses pets in house fire - WSAZ
Family loses pets in house fire  WSAZ

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says claim about migrants eating pets is a false 'piece of garbage' - USA TODAY
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine says claim about migrants eating pets is a false 'piece of garbage'  USA TODAY

Opinion | Blaming media, JD Vance continues to push silly yet dangerous conspiracy theory about pets - Poynter
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JD Vance shares social media post about immigrants cooking pets in Dayton, city refutes it - The Cincinnati Enquirer
JD Vance shares social media post about immigrants cooking pets in Dayton, city refutes it  The Cincinnati Enquirer

Trump’s false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets invokes racist trope - The Washington Post
Trump’s false claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets invokes racist trope  The Washington Post

How a fringe online claim about immigrants eating pets made its way to the debate stage - NBC News
How a fringe online claim about immigrants eating pets made its way to the debate stage  NBC News

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Trump falsely accuses immigrants in Ohio of abducting and eating pets - The Associated Press
Trump falsely accuses immigrants in Ohio of abducting and eating pets  The Associated Press

China could soon have more pets than toddlers. Why that’s a headache for Beijing - CNN
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Ohio governor reaffirms Haitian immigrants are not eating animals -
Ohio governor reaffirms Haitian immigrants are not eating animals

Trump peddles baseless claim about immigrants "eating the pets" during debate - Axios
Trump peddles baseless claim about immigrants "eating the pets" during debate  Axios

How a false rumor about pets in Ohio and Laura Loomer’s presence helped derail Trump’s planned attacks on Harris - CNN
How a false rumor about pets in Ohio and Laura Loomer’s presence helped derail Trump’s planned attacks on Harris  CNN

Ohio's GOP governor dispels Republican claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets - ABC News
Ohio's GOP governor dispels Republican claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets  ABC News

Analysis | How Trump’s pet-eating claim became a meme for right and left alike - The Washington Post
Analysis | How Trump’s pet-eating claim became a meme for right and left alike  The Washington Post

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‘A very old political trope’: the racist US history behind Trump’s Haitian pet eater claim - The Guardian US
‘A very old political trope’: the racist US history behind Trump’s Haitian pet eater claim  The Guardian US

JD Vance's Pet-Eating Claims Attacked in Ohio Newspaper: 'Mortified' - Newsweek
JD Vance's Pet-Eating Claims Attacked in Ohio Newspaper: 'Mortified'  Newsweek

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Pets for profit: An in-depth investigation - Los Angeles Times
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The stereotype of immigrants eating dogs and cats is storied — and vitriolic as ever - NPR
The stereotype of immigrants eating dogs and cats is storied — and vitriolic as ever  NPR

People are giving up pets due to costs: How to keep those expenses down - WCPO 9 Cincinnati
People are giving up pets due to costs: How to keep those expenses down  WCPO 9 Cincinnati

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Trump’s “Proof” of Migrants Eating Pets Turns Out to Be Totally Bogus - The New Republic
Trump’s “Proof” of Migrants Eating Pets Turns Out to Be Totally Bogus  The New Republic

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Threats tied to Trump’s false pet-eating claims force Ohio festival cancellation - Fortune
Threats tied to Trump’s false pet-eating claims force Ohio festival cancellation  Fortune

Donald Trump says immigrants are eating Springfield’s pets. What? - The Economist
Donald Trump says immigrants are eating Springfield’s pets. What?  The Economist

Somehow, the Dog Situation on Airplanes Has Gotten Even Wilder - WIRED
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Vance and Trump double down on baseless "eating pets" claim - Axios
Vance and Trump double down on baseless "eating pets" claim  Axios

What’s really happening in Springfield, Ohio after claims immigrants are eating pets - WSB Atlanta
What’s really happening in Springfield, Ohio after claims immigrants are eating pets  WSB Atlanta

Trump pushes baseless claim at debate about immigrants 'eating the pets' - NBC News
Trump pushes baseless claim at debate about immigrants 'eating the pets'  NBC News

Neighbor helps rescue wheelchair user, pets from house fire in Hillsboro - Fox 12 Oregon
Neighbor helps rescue wheelchair user, pets from house fire in Hillsboro  Fox 12 Oregon

CNN’s Dana Bash Shuts Down JD Vance’s Migrant-Pets Claim in Blistering Fact-Check - The Daily Beast
CNN’s Dana Bash Shuts Down JD Vance’s Migrant-Pets Claim in Blistering Fact-Check  The Daily Beast

JD Vance spreads debunked claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets - NPR
JD Vance spreads debunked claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets  NPR

JD Vance Condemns ‘Inflammatory Political Rhetoric’ After He and Trump Spread Rumor About Migrants Eating Pets - Mediaite
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Trump Reportedly Has Super-Helpful Plans to Visit Springfield, Ohio, the City He and JD Vance Continue to Spread Baseless Lies About Re: Haitian Migrants Eating Pets  Vanity Fair

Ohio town at center of GOP pet-eating conspiracy has multiple school evacuations - Axios
Ohio town at center of GOP pet-eating conspiracy has multiple school evacuations  Axios

Fact checking Trump: No migrants aren't eating pets - Fortune
Fact checking Trump: No migrants aren't eating pets  Fortune

Springfield is paying for JD Vance cat, dog eating lies. We must not forget in 2 years. - The Columbus Dispatch
Springfield is paying for JD Vance cat, dog eating lies. We must not forget in 2 years.  The Columbus Dispatch

GOP ticket promotes baseless Ohio "eating pets" claim - Axios
GOP ticket promotes baseless Ohio "eating pets" claim  Axios

Trump, JD Vance repeat baseless claim Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence - CBS News
Trump, JD Vance repeat baseless claim Haitian immigrants are eating pets as Ohio officials say there is no evidence  CBS News

Trump pushes false claim that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating pets - ABC News
Trump pushes false claim that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating pets  ABC News

Louisiana shelter pets displaced by Hurricane Francine flown to new homes - WDSU New Orleans
Louisiana shelter pets displaced by Hurricane Francine flown to new homes  WDSU New Orleans

Bomb Threats and the F.B.I.: Springfield Disrupted by Trump’s False Migrants Claim - The New York Times
Bomb Threats and the F.B.I.: Springfield Disrupted by Trump’s False Migrants Claim  The New York Times

Paws, Pets, and Metal: Iceland’s Drungi’s dog howls to Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ - Metal Insider
Paws, Pets, and Metal: Iceland’s Drungi’s dog howls to Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon’  Metal Insider

‘I just want to know about the dogs’: comedian Roy Wood Jr weighs in on Trump’s pet-eating claim - CNN
‘I just want to know about the dogs’: comedian Roy Wood Jr weighs in on Trump’s pet-eating claim  CNN

Cat ladies and dog-eating: Why MAGA can't quit the weird talk about pets - Salon
Cat ladies and dog-eating: Why MAGA can't quit the weird talk about pets  Salon

Springfield mayor: ‘Your pets are safe’ - The Hill
Springfield mayor: ‘Your pets are safe’  The Hill

Springfield residents react to Trump's claim of immigrants abusing pets - WLWT Cincinnati
Springfield residents react to Trump's claim of immigrants abusing pets  WLWT Cincinnati

The Origins of Trump’s False Claim That Immigrants Are Eating Pets in Ohio - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal
The Origins of Trump’s False Claim That Immigrants Are Eating Pets in Ohio - WSJ  The Wall Street Journal

Immigrants-eat-pets trope is a century-old stereotype and 'very old racism' - USA TODAY
Immigrants-eat-pets trope is a century-old stereotype and 'very old racism'  USA TODAY

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