Related Pet Articles from the
Pet Information Channel:
How To Stop Your Dog From Barking -
Training Your Dog To Keep Quiet
Quieting a barking dog is a quick and easy process. Really.
West Highland White Terrier - Westies
- Training Success Tips
The West Highland Terrier is a friendly dog, and is considered easier to
handle and train than other terriers, such as the Scottish Terrier.
Still, it possesses the bold, dynamic terrier temperament, and has to be
trained in a manner appropriate for the breed.
Feeding Your Pet Stingray - The
Essentials of Maintaining a Varied Diet
Stingrays will eat a wide variety of foods. Maintaining a varied diet is
extremely important in captive animals, as monocultural diets incur a
risk of nutritional deficiencies.
Why Does My Cat Drink Dirty Water?
You know that cats should always have a supply of water, especially if
you are feeding them dried food. There on your nice clean kitchen floor
is a bowl of nice clean fresh water, in a nice clean bowl.
Dog Potty Training: Can I Get My Dog
to Stop Eating It?
Okay, so it's not the cleanest or most appealing of dog behaviors, but
it is a serious problem with most dog owners - how do I start dog potty
training so that my dog stops eating poop? Well, there are no guarantees
here, unfortunately. However, this article will detail some ideas you
can try, so that your dog stops this disgusting habit.
Female Dog Care
As there are certain health issues that affect only the female dog, care
should be taken to ensure that these are fully understood before
deciding whether or not to buy a bitch. The most important dog health
care concern is that of spaying.
Tips For Dog Toys
Toys are fun both for our dogs and us. Lucky for us there are endless
Dog Obedience Tips...
Training your dog can be time consuming and frustrating at times, but
it's well worth it. Here are several tips that should help things go
much smoother and faster.
What You Should Know About Your Puppy
And Play Biting
The main ways a puppy will play with another dog or puppy are chasing,
wrestling, and biting. When your puppy eventually becomes separated from
his littermates, he will most likely carry on his playful behavior with
you and your family members.
7 Good Reasons to Have Your Cat
Spayed or Neutered
Every year, many cat owners decide to get their cat spayed or neutered.
This decision is made for several different reasons, all of which
illustrate why it is such a good idea.
Dog Training Information for Training
Your Puppy
Puppy Training: Puppy training can be a trying time. The key to this
time is to really remember that all puppy behavior is normal.
Westies Dogs - Please Consider
Adopting an Older Westie Dog
Everybody loves a baby animal and Westie puppies are adorable, but new
dog purchasers often do not realize the commitment they are making when
they bring a puppy home. For those want the companionship of Westies
dogs, but do not have the knowledge or patience to endure the training
process, rescuing an older Westie dog may be the right alternative.
Preparing for Your New Pet
Getting a new pet can be a lot of fun. You can choose from a dog, cat,
hamster, gerbil, rabbit, and the list goes on and on.
Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dogs
Capabilities Before You Teach Buddy New Tricks
The performing of dog tricks, while not a necessary part of a dog's
education, is an accomplishment that offer dog owners and his friends a
great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog. All
dogs can be taught tricks, but some breeds have a special aptitude in
that direction.
Animal Communicator
I have a business card burning a hole in my Rolodex. It's from an animal
Dog Grooming and Dog Care
Dog grooming is relatively simple for most dogs. I have a greyhound and
spend about 5 minutes per day on dog grooming.
How To Determine The Sex of Discus
One of the biggest question asked of the discus breeder is "how do I
determine the sex of my fish?" There are very few easy identifiable
identifiers in this process. Here, we will discuss the methods used by
some of the top breeders.
3 Tips For Dealing With Dog
Have you ever thought about what you need to do should your dog - or
another dog - ever suffer a serious, life-threatening injury? What if
they have a severe allergy to an insect bite or a bee sting? It's great
to know your vet's phone number, but what if something happens during
off hours? What if you don't know where the closest emergency animal
clinic is located? Enough with the questions already, right? Any
emergency is stressful and scary, and one involving that furry little
four-legged member of your family is no exception. The toughest of
owners can be instantly reduced to helpless balls of mush if something's
wrong with their dogs and they can't figure out what to do.
Horse Training Techniques From The
Was he the world's greatest horse trainer of all time? Would his picture
be in the horse trainer's Hall Of Fame? Perhaps. His name was Jesse
The Humble Hamster: A Great First Pet
for Your Child
Thinking of getting a pet for your little ones? How about a hamster?
They're cute, inexpensive, easy to care for, and a great first pet that
will teach your child how to be more responsible. Here are some things I
learned during my experience as a hamster owner.