Related Pet Articles from the
Pet Information Channel:
How To Setup A
Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank
This is an 11 step guide to setting up a freshwater
aquarium in your home. Equipment you will need: Aquarium
Aquarium gravel Aquarium filter Replacement filter media
Heater Other decorations (such as plants) Chemical test
kits Fish food Aquarium vacuum Fish net Glass Scrubber
5-gallon bucket Pasta strainer STEP 1: Realize the
responsibility involved.
Humming Birds Make
Wonderful Pets
Humming birds are wonderful birds that are smart, playful,
and easy to take care. Many new bird owners are surprised
by the intelligence that many birds show.
Putting A Dog To
I was talking to a friend of mine today and I asked him how
his kids (dogs) were. He lives on his own and the standing
joke is - "does he want to do a swap with his dogs and my
kids?" He informed me very sadly that he had to get the
older dog put to sleep.
Owning a Wild or Exotic
Cat; Information, Laws, and Advice
Have you ever dreamed of living with a bobcat or having a
pet tiger? You're not alone, and many people share their
lives responsibly and safely with such animals. My beloved
companion is a African Serval, a very affectionate 33-pound
spotted feline.
Beds for Smaller
All puppies are small dogs - some, however, won't be small
for very long. You have to know how big your dog is going
to be when it is fully grown before you can buy it a bed of
its own, unless, that is, you don't mind buying your
beloved canine friend a new bed every six months or so for
several years.
Down On The
As I listen on my long drive to my grandpa's farm, I begin
to hit that little corner that always takes me back in
time. I now live in town or the city, but my roots run
deep, back in time I go to that little community I once
lived in, where I grew up, where I was raised.
How To Protect Your Pets
From Fleas And Ticks
Fleas are wingless, blood-sucking insects that feed on dog,
cats, humans and other species. There are many different
types of flea each one specific to the animal that it lives
Larger Dog Food
Grocery Stores could use some larger Dog Food Isles. Not
because there are more brands of Dog Food.
How To Set Up A
Quarantine Tank For Tropical Fish
Do I Need A Quarantine Tank? Ah, yes, the often dismissed
but very necessary part of the tropical fish hobby, the
infamous quarantine tank. Do you really need one to be
successful in this hobby? For freshwater fish you may be
able to get by without having one.
Scientific Name: Botia macracanthus Other Scientific
Names are: Cobitis macracanthus, Botia macrocanthus Common
Name: Clown Loach. Clown loaches are very popular aquarium
fish; however they are not always easy to keep successfully
since they easily succumb to ick and are sensitive to poor
water conditions. This article is intended to help new
clown loach owners provide a good home for their loaches.
Protecting The Family
Ever since the beginning of time there has always been the
pet and the family, today's pets have become an integral
part of the family, and even considered by some to be a
part of the family. With this relationship being so vital,
protection of the family pet is a major concern of many pet
Westies Puppies - How to
Prepare for Your Westie Puppy
Just like when you bring home a new baby, you will need to
prepare before you bring home your westie puppy. The needs
of westies puppies are not tremendous, but there are a few
things that you must have in place to give your westie a
safe, happy transition into your life.
Canine mastitis is a breast infection in brood bitches,
usually occurring a few weeks after whelping. It is not that
common, but you should be aware of it.
Scottish Terrier Dogs -
Important Facts
Scottish Terriers are short-legged dogs, at a height of ten
to eleven inches, comparatively heavy-boned, yet
deceivingly trim. They are agile and sporty pets.
What Rabbit Noises
a) Growling. If your rabbit growls or grunts at you, she is
upset with something and probably something is bothering
her. Maybe she's angry that you're poking your hand into
her cage, and she doesn't want you in her territory.
The Positive Benefits of
Dog Day Care
Dog day care programs benefit the dogs of owner's who have
busy lives and are not able to socialize and exercise their
dogs. Owners benefit from a guilt free day of work or play
and can come home to a calm, relaxed pet.
How to Paint Your
Why paint your cat? After all cats are beautiful creatures
if you want to appreciate the appearance of a feline, you
look at the cat not at a painting. Some of the reasons that
you may want to paint your cat are: To capture your pet at a
particular age, in a particular pose, in a particular
Top 5 Dog Health
The most common dog problems: Dog Owner's commonly ask me
the same questions repeatedly. This article aims to help
dog owners prevent and find information about the most
common dog health problems.
Have an Itchy Dog?
Consider These Grooming Tips Before Turning To Chemical
Many dogs today suffer from itchy skin caused by a variety
of factors. Dogs actually have more sensitive skin than
humans, and are often exposed to a variety of irritants in
their environment.
Veterinarians Set Record
Most pet owners have become very educated about their pet
and the health of their pet. Still, there are many others
who tend to believe in the old wives tales and myths that
have been passed around for some time now.