Placing your pet in a boarding
kennel can expose your pet to many undesirable diseases, as well as
emotional trauma. Keep your pet in it's natural friendly environment
while you are away on vacation or business.
Pet sitters do much more than
provide your pet with food and water while you're away from home. A
good pet sitter also spends quality time with your pet, gives him
exercise, and knows how to tell if your pet needs veterinary
attention. What's more, pet sitters typically offer additional
services, such as bringing in mail and newspapers, watering plants,
turning lights on and off, and providing homes with a lived-in look
to deter crime.
When you must be away from home for
travel or an emergency, and don't want to leave your pet in a
boarding kennel, who takes care of your pet? If you're like many pet
owners, you ask a friend or neighbor to stop in to feed and water
your pet. But is this what's best for your pet? There's a good
chance that your friends and neighbors lack proper pet-care
experience and have even forgotten to show up. They may also resent
frequent requests to look after your pet while you're gone. Consider
hiring a "pet sitter" to care for your pet.
A pet sitter offers both you and your pet many benefits.
Your pet
By enjoying the friendly normal home environment with less stress.
The same diet and routine.
Less stress from traveling to and staying in an unfamiliar place
with other animals (such as a boarding kennel).
Loving care and attention while you're away.
Happier friends and neighbors, who aren't burdened with caring for
your pet.
The peace of mind that comes from knowing that your pet is being
cared for by a reliable, caring, real person.
Someone to bring in your newspaper and mail so potential burglars
don't know you're away.
Someone who will come to your home so you don't have to drive your
pet to a boarding kennel.
Someone who will actually spend time playing with and exercising
your pet
Other services like plant watering and pet grooming.
Pet owner
Make reservations with your pet sitter early, especially during the
Make sure your pet is well socialized and permits strangers to
handle him.
Affix current identification tags to your pet's collar.
Maintain current vaccinations for your pet.
Leave clear instructions detailing specific pet-care
responsibilities and emergency contact information, including how to
reach you and your veterinarian.
Leave pet food and supplies in one place.
Buy extra pet supplies in case you're away longer than planned.
Leave a key with a trustworthy neighbor as a backup, and give him
and your pet sitter each other's phone numbers. Be sure those extra
keys work before giving them out.
Show the pet sitter your home's important safety features such as
the circuit breaker and security system.