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Currency Trading Forex Trading Information: 


Momentum Trading: A Practical Day Trading Strategy to Get Profits from Hot Stocks

Momentum day trading can be extremely profitable when done correctly..

Forex Trading Online - 7 Reasons Why You Should!

Forex trading online is a fast way to use your investment capital to it's fullest. The Forex markets offer distinct advantages to the small and large traders alike, making Forex currency trading in many ways preferable to other markets such as stocks, options or traditional futures.

What is Forex Trading?

Forex, or Foreign Exchange, is the simultaneous exchange of one country's currency for that of another. The way it works is an investor who wishes to purchase or sell one currency for another with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies change in favor of the investor.

Day Trading Success- The Key Is Survival

Most new traders tend to focus just about all their time and energy on finding nearly perfect "setups", but trade setups, even very good ones, are *not* the key to successful trading. It's the *way* you trade your setups that keeps your losses smaller than your gains.

A Beginner's Guide to FOREX

FOREX is the abbreviation for the Foreign Exchange market. FOREX is basically an international exchange market where currencies from all over the world are bought and sold for profit.

What I Learnt Losing �60,000 My First Year as a Full-time Trader

During my first year as a local (independent trader) on the floor of LIFE, I bought and sold 8804 FTSE futures contracts, about 40 contracts per day on average. The result was a loss of �61,620 or -�267 per trading day.

Where is the Market Going?

If you ask me whether the market will have moved up or down by this time next year, well I may as well flip a coin, because I don't know. If you ask me whether the market will have moved up or down by this time next month, well again, I may as well flip a coin, because I still don't know.

The Yin and the Yang of Markets

I am reading a fantastic book on trading, first published in 1924, by Richard D. Wyckoff, titled "How I Trade and Invest in Stocks & Bonds".

A Fools Game

I received an email this week with a question (below) which caused me to think about the wisdom of pursuing trading as a career. Regardless of your trading time span, the skills and concerns of active short-term trading are relevant to all market participants.

Stopping Yourself

I read on a bulletin board a traders comment that on his first outing trading the E-Mini S&P 500 he lost on each of his trades. He noted though, that had he had a wider stop each of his trades would have been profitable and that therefore he would be trading with a wider stop in future.

Day Trading - Moving Averages vs. Support and Resistance

When day trading the SP and NASDAQ futures, do you rely on your moving averages more than your support & resistant areas? During the first hour of trading, the support and resistance zones on the SP and NASDAQ futures are the most important things to watch. The moving averages have not yet had a chance to come into play.

Crisis of Confidence in the EU

The European Union (EU) constitution was dealt a double blow, first by a French "no" vote on 29-May and then by a follow on "no" from the Netherlands on 01-Jun. To add insult to injury, one low level Italian diplomat quickly called for a referendum in Italy to decide if a return to the lira was warranted.

Day Trading the Index Futures - How to Judge Good Entries

QUESTION: If the SP futures fall through support and go straight down for another two points, and I want to get short, should I a.) enter immediately, b.)

How to Trade Currency

We all know when you go on a trip to another country; you need to take some travelers checks and some cash in the currency of that country. This can be advantageous because one country's currency is usually worth more or less than the other.

ISO 4217 in Forex Trading

ISO 4217 is an international standard describing three letter codes to define the names of currencies established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The first two letters of the code are the two letters of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes (which are similar to those used for national top-level domains on the internet) and the third is usually the initial of the currency itself.

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