Related Pet Articles from the
Pet Information Channel:
Shut The Door Buddy:
Simple Dog Tricks To Teach and Impress
The shutting and opening door trick can be taught to all
dog breeds. The only consideration maybe would be asking
small size dogs to close large or heavy doors which are
beyond their physical capabilities.
Choose an Acrylic Bird
Congratulations. You've decided to buy a bird, and you even
know what kind.
Housebreaking Dogs and
Puppies - A Step by Step Guide to Potty Training Your Dog
or Puppy
If you're reading this I think it's safe to assume that you
either currently own, or are about to buy, a dog or puppy
and don't want to come home to nasty "surprises" on your
living room floor. That's why I'm writing this step by step
guide to potty training your adult dog or puppy.
Petting a Dog is Good
For Both of You
Studies have shown that regularly petting a dog brings a
person the following benefits: Lower blood pressure Lower
cholesterol Lower risk of heart disease Improvement in
chronic illnesses (such as Alzheimer's or AIDS) Improvement
in emotional condition -- easing of stress, sadness, and
pain. A lot of that is common knowledge.
What You Should Know
About Dog Health Care
Our dogs are now, more than ever, a very important part of
our families. We care for them as we care for ourselves.
Are Your Fish
Keeping a fish tank is a wonderful and relaxing hobby, but
it can turn stressful if your fish start to die off. The
most common cause of fish disease is poor water quality so
it is vital that you perform regular maintenance on the
tank, making sure you do a partial water change
periodically and clean out any waste or uneaten food so it
does not decay and poison the water.
Apistogramma , Dwarf
Cichlids in the Aquarium
The real apistogramma's come from southern America, they
all have the same characteristics, like a complex breeding
behavior, as their large relatives, only their size is
different. Besides the apistogramma group there are also
some relatively popular dwarf cichlids from Africa, like
the Pelvicachromis group.
Train Your Buddy To
"Walk" & "Dance" - Warning: Not All Dogs Can Do
Standing and walking on the hind legs are tricks that put
an abnormal strain upon the muscles of the back and hind
legs and most dogs require considerable practice before
they gain sufficient control of those muscles to balance
themselves in this unnatural position. Before you rush into
teaching this trick, bear in mind that not all dogs can do
this trick, especially the big dogs such as St.
A Dogs Tale
My name is Shadrach, and I am a dog - a BIG, handsome,
elegant, and intelligent dog. No, I am not vain at all,
that is just what my mom always tells me so I assume it's
Hamsters and their quest
for world domination
"Hamsters?!" I hear you say. "Who cares about some fury
little rodents.
Tips For Toys
Toys are fun both for our dogs and us. Lucky for us there
are endless choices.
Potty Training Your
A new puppy is a joyous addition to any home. Who can
resist that cute little bundle of lovable furry fun?
Wouldn't it be great if puppies were potty trained and came
into our homes without any mess or bother? OK, reality
check here.
Tips For Traveling With
Your Dog
Whether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just
visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are
choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. Land
or air, there are many things to take into consideration.
The Myth of 100%
Complete Processed Pet Foods
Every day, people by the millions pour food from a package
into their pet's bowl. Day in and day out, meal after meal,
pets get the same fare.
What You Need To Know To
Keep Your Dog Safe In Your Car
Man's Best Friend is a great companion around the home, but
Rover will love joining you on road trips - short or long -
as well. If you've tried taking your dog along in the car
before and met with bad results, don't give up.
Leash Training Your
Dog-Take The Time To Get It Done and Do It
Attempting to train your dog to walk on a leash may feel
like you're a contestant in a tug-of-war contest. But, it
doesn't have to.
Okay Lets Do A Poodle
My wife and I have been married for 32 years. In that time
our pets, more commonly known to us as dogs, have taken a
large part of that shared life together.
Dog Vomiting? Help Your
Dog Now
In most cases you should not be too concerned about your
dog vomiting. If you know that the dog got into something
or you changed its diet, you can probably wait 24 hours to
see if the vomiting clears up, but only if your dog does
not appear lethargic.
Stop Your Dog From
Pulling You Down The Street
From the first day of life on a leash, most dogs learn that
by pulling on it, they get to where they want faster. Its
the behavior that so many dog owners struggle with.
Feral Cats - Societies
Problem Children
There is a lot of talk going on about what to do with the
issue of feral cat population. Some measures have been
proposed which will allow residents to kill what they
perceive to be feral cats on their property.