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Making Good Websites that Stand Out

Websites, there's literally billion of them out there in cyber-space. How many of them do you go to and just think this is boring, bland, or hard to use? It seems like too many to mention.

How To Create A Stunning Drop Capital Effect On Your Web Pages

Drop Capitals are frequently used in many newspapers, books and magazines in the offline world.  You will frequently see the large capital letter sinking down into the first paragraph of articles, stories and chapters in the majority of publication you come across.

Graphic Design Using Color

Color is everywhere and conveys a message even if we don't realize it. While this message can vary by culture it pays to know what colors "say" in your own corner of the universe, and even what color means to your target market.

The Monter Garage of e-Learning

Have you seen Jesse James on the Discovery Channel's Monter Garage? Each week Jesse and his handpicked team create a customized vehicle to dazzle and amaze you. So what does this have to do with e-Learning? Read on.

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Sales Versus Customer Oriented Websites

Should Generating Revenue From A Website Be The Prime Motivator? A pure sales site has only one purpose..

How To Set Up A Professional Website On Your Own Using Web Templates

To create professional websites is not an easy task by any means. There are many things that you got to take into consideration like easy navigation, strategic links, clean coding, professional layout, easy downloading, scan ability, usability and so on.

A Website Checklist

If you've just finished building your new website (or revamping your old one), how can you be sure it's "ready for prime time"? Or maybe your site's been around for awhile and you think it may be due for a makeover. Because Web technologies, techniques and standards change so rapidly, even a website that seems "cutting edge" when it's built can look obsolete a year later.

Ten Steps to a Winning Home Page

There's no doubt about it - the first page your site visitors see is the most important page of your website. If your home page isn't appealing, chances are the rest of your pages will never even be seen by your visitors.

Web Design for Dictators

No question about it, web design is an art. Finding the right blend of style and usability is a delicate balance that few, if any, fully master.

Website Basics

The Basics You have a flourishing business - everything is in its place. You just miss one important piece of marketing: an Internet Presence a website.

Building Your Website to Save You Money

Does your website make you any money? Does it SAVE you any money? Websites are more than just marketing tools, out there in Cyber-Land effortlessly promoting you and your products. While that's great, why not use that same website to save yourself some money? How? Well, while I don't know your particular situation, I can provide you with some thought-provoking ideas that you can take back to your web designer for more input.

Ten Design Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid these mistakes and your site will be steps ahead of your competition. 1.

Design Matters in our Visual Culture

FIRST IMPRESSION. First impression often leave lasting impression.

Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional Designer

Remember your vision for your company and the brand or statement you want to make when any of your current or potential customers come in contact with you. You have to impress them in all the ways you connect with them.

Long Copy Sales Letters on the Web: Hype or Not?

I have written before about long sales copy on the web. But I have more to say on the subject.

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 free online ebooks tips news do it yourself how to articles home remedies RELATED WEB SITE DESIGNS Tips and do it yourself how to articles:

Hexadecimal Color Notation on the Web
When designing elements for your webpage, you will often be called upon to specify a color. For example, the code for a span shown below specifies that the color of the text within the span will be yellow.

11 Steps to Sticky Web Site!
An attractive and user-friendly Web site is crucial to attracting prospects and holding their interest. Seems obvious, yet poor design and even more poorly written content clutter the Web.

What is ASP.NET
ASP.NET is a new programming framework from Microsoft for developing next generation web Application.

Low Cost Web Design In Birmingham
There are many companies who build websites, all of which who want your business. This puts you in a very strong position when trying to obtain a good deal, a professional looking website at a low affordable price.

How to Use Sliced Graphics to Layout Your Web Site
The problem with designing your site as a graphic, is that it would take too long to load. Your visitors would leave your site immediately and move to your competitors web site.

Custom Website Design - 3 Must Have Tools
Creating your own website can be fun and easy, as long as you have the right tools. Fortunately, all the tools you need are available at your fingertips and all you need to know are which tools will allow you to design the best website possible.

Long Copy Sales Letters on the Web: Hype or Not?
I have written before about long sales copy on the web. But I have more to say on the subject.

Its No Good Having A Killer Product If You Don't Have A Killer Website
Read the title of this article over a couple of times in your head so it really starts to sink in. So what does this title really mean.

9 Ways to Gain Your Visitors Respect
The internet is filled with sites and they are good and bad. Some have been known for a long time and some still struggle to get the respect and fame they think they deserve.

How to Choose Web Design Company?
Before deciding on which web design company to choose, you should first determine the main aim and purpose for your upcoming website. Once the aim and purpose have been identified, then only move on to choose a reliable web design company to develop your website.

Increase Your Website Sales Instantly
If there's one thing that I've learnt so far, it's that nothing beats good copy. You may have found a way to bring in 10,000 visitors a day to your site, but if your copy is lousy, you're just wasting your effort.

Meta Tags - An Introduction
A long, long time ago? In a galaxy far, far away? meta tags were the key component to search engine rankings. Okay, it was about 2 years ago, but that's a long time in the Internet galaxy.

Successful Websites Don't Set Out To Sell
What are websites? Are they sales tools for vendors and service providers, or are they electronic guidance for potential customers? Put simply, are you selling or are you helping? Your answer to this question may determine the success of your website. So think carefully? How we define what a website is all depends on which side of the fence we're on.

Website Design For Small Businesses
There are many different website design companies, offering different facilities such as flash design, however what should a small business look for when seeking an internet presence? When choosing which company you would like to build your website, there are many factors which you need to take into consideration. Firstly how much is the website going to cost to build and host.

7 Web Site Design Mistakes That Will Lose You Clients
In today's world, a web site is virtually mandatory for any successful business. But there are web sites that will win you customers, and there are web sites that will lose you customers.

Becoming A Website Designer
The ability to create simple, attractive and functional web pages is a highly marketable skill. There is a huge and growing demand for websites and web content, especially for smaller organization who often can't afford to hire a full-service web design firm.

The Secrets to Successfully Learning Basic HTML
If you'd like to create/maintain a website, having some HTML knowledge is necessary in order to create a standard page on the web. Learning the HTML basics is easy and should take less than an hour.

When You Create A Web Site, Don't Make A Splash!
Don't make a splash! Are you thinking about using a splash page when you create a web site? You would be wise to think again. What is a splash page? Generally, it is a fancy entrance graphic which requires your visitor to click in order to enter the main home page of your web site.

Why Do Images Disappear from a Webpage?
In learning webpage design, I encountered many problems that took lots of practice to resolve. Although, I was building web pages using Microsoft Frontpage on my home computer, I used to face lots of issues after uploading the webpage to my website.

The Next Marketing Tool: Design
Design sells. It's something that all of us know, but few of us conciously acknowledge.

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