Auction Information, Tips,
Reports, &
How To Sell Santa's
Shoppers spent more than $15.5 billion this Christmas on
gifts on the Internet alone.
Seven Steps to eBay
Selling Success
More and more people try their luck at selling on eBay
everyday. With all of that growing competition it is
important that you do everything possible to make sure that
you stand out from the crowd.
An Emerging Market in
eBay Consignments: The eBay Trading Post (Part II In A
In 2002, the eBay consignments business was born, referred
to by eBay as the Trading Assistant Program. It's possible
that eBay didn't foresee just how much they would benefit
form their eBay consignments program.
eBay Gold
Internet auctions are relatively new having been around
since the mid 1990's. There are several Internet auctions
including Yahoo Auctions and UBid.
Photos on my eBay
Auctions: How Do I Add Them?
On another forum I'm involved with, someone's asked a great
question: I want to sell products on eBay, but I want to
include photographs with my items. How do I do that? What
kind of camera do I need, and what settings should I use?
The first step is to buy a digital camera.
2 Step Secret Reveals
How You Can Find Wholesale Suppliers
Have you spent hours on the internet searching for a viable
wholesale source? I did. I spent money on self-professed
in-depth Wholesale Supplier directories and membership
Boosting Your eBay
Auction Profits: Just Add Audio
According to a recent report, adding audio to your eBay
auctions could increase bids by as much as 22% over
auctions without audio. A recent trend showing up on a lot
of websites is the addition of an audio clip.
Free Auction Templates:
How to Set Your Border Color With FOAM
If you have not heard of yet, home of the
"Free Online Auction Maker", now is a good time to get your
feet wet.
Can You Really Make
Money Selling New Release CDs & DVDs On
Being an active eBayer, I am often being asked about
products to sell. A common question is "Where can I
purchase products such as new release CD's DVD's and Video
Games for Playstation and X box at a 75% to 100% discount.
How Do You Find A
Reliable Dropshipping Source?
A Dropshipper is someone who will anonymously send the
goods you order to your customer! There are no markings on
the box and no invoices enclosed! Finding a reliable
dropshipper can prove to be a strenuous task. When
selecting a Dropshipper you want to be sure to find someone
that has a large inventory and quickly replenishes items
that become sold out! You also want to find someone that is
helpful and knowledgeable about the products they are
selling! Make sure to contact them before you consider
reselling their items, see how quickly you get a response
and how helpful the response is! Remember this is the same
service you can expect once you are in business with them!
If it is less than your standards consider using someone
else! How do you find a Dropshipper? There are several ways
to find a Dropshipper perhaps the easiest is to purchase a
list from an online auction! Thoroughly read the context of
the ad and ask questions if need be.
A New Definition of
Buyer Beware
"Who's Suzie?" My wife Katrina had been acting strangely
ever since I had returned home from my Native American
cultural class, not to mention the weird phone call I
received just before I left, full of little pauses instead
of our usual fast-paced communication. Now that I was home
she had been pretty much ignoring me completely, then comes
this strange question.
eBay Income
If you've ever read an article about eBay, you will have
seen the kinds of incomes people make - it isn't unusual to
hear of people making thousands of dollars per month on
eBay. Next time you're on eBay, take a look at how many
PowerSellers there are: you'll find quite a few.
eBay: What Should I
There is an art to picking profitable products. It's not
just what you want to sell but rather what will sell.
Dropship Your Way To
Ebusiness Success
Q: I would like to start my own eBay business, but I really
don't want to invest in a ton of inventory until I can get
a better handle on what might or might not sell. I read
another column about dropshipping, but I'm still a little
fuzzy on how the whole process works.
Doing It eBay: An eBay
Business Means Fun and Profits in a Global
In 1995, when Pierre Omidyar introduced an online business
venue that was essentially a virtual garage sale with
auction pricing, no one knew a retailing revolution was
about to occur. That site became known as eBay, and it's
hard to find someone today who hasn't at least heard about
the popular online auction company.
What To Do After Your
eBay Auction Closes
So your auction closes. Now what? Hopefully you made a sale
or several sales.
eBay - Tapping Into The
Japanese Collector Market
If you owned a skateboard shop in your local mall would you
put a big sign in the window saying "No Baggy Pants
Allowed"? Of course not. If you did you would be
eliminating 50% or more of your most avid potential
12 Tips To Make Your
eBay Business More Profitable
Sometimes it's the simple things that can make your eBay
business more profitable and run smoother. Here are twelve
things you can do that will lead to more sales and
increased profits on eBay.
How To Sell On eBay:
Pricing Strategy
Many new eBay sellers make one of two mistakes: either they
overprice items to an unsellable extreme; or they lose
money on every transaction by setting low starting prices
with no restrictions. In this lesson, I am going to go over
which pricing strategies to use and when if you are using a
ten-day auction setup.
Making Money On eBay Can
Be So Simple, Just Let Somebody Else Do All The Hard Work
For You
OK, so you've been bitten by the eBay bug! You've ransacked
the attic, the basement and every other room in your home
to find things to sell on eBay. When friends and neighbors
ask you where everything has gone, you tell them that
you're going for the "Minimalist Look".