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8 Low Cost Ways To Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business

We all are looking for ways to market our businesses cost effectively. I have come up with 8 ways to do just that all low cost to free. In fact most of these methods can be done from the comfort of your own home.

That's right you don't even have to leave home. What could be better, your clients are coming to you and you don't even realize it. Okay lets get started, each of these methods I'm sure you have either heard about or are already doing most if not all. They are not new, nor are they some sort of secret.

1. If you work outside of the home as many of us do as well as running a home business, you can post your business cards or flyers on your company bulletin board where company news is displayed. You should check with your Human Resources department first before tacking your information on the board, most HR Departments require you to check with them first.

2. Are you involved in any Fund Raisers school Fund Raiser in particular are the best way to market your business. Before handing out the order you have collected put together a flyer or business card pack that explains briefly what you do, how you can be reached. Make sure you have a packet tacked, stapled or placed in a bag on each order.

3. Most of us have answering machines or voice mail, what could be a better way then to market yourself than to have a brief message as part of your greeting with your website address or email address so people calling can learn more about your business. Add a little twist to your greeting by changing it once a week or when you have discounts, special promotions or discontinued products or services.

4. You can cover a lot of ground handing out flyers. Yes this can be done from the comfort of your home as well. You may be thinking how can I do this from my home. Well I'll tell you, all visitors to your home are potential clients. This could be friends, family, mailman or delivery person. No matter who it is they should not be leaving without your flyer, business card or sample of your product if applicable.

5. With online banking taking over many of you may not be able to use this tip to its full potential. Inserting your business cards or flyers in all out going mail, this is what large companies do. You know what I mean, do you have cable TV, or receive the electric bill. Yeah that's right we receive inserts in the mail we receive daily why not do the same. This is big, big, big start stuffing today.

6. If you have children in school, this one is good especially when having to keep in touch with teachers. Inserting one of your cards is a great way to circulate your information. Parent teacher's conferences; stop writing down your number hand them a business card.

7. Post ads, flyers and cards on bulletin boards at the supermarket, community centers, and local business. Many businesses have a jar that you can put your cards in when you visit. Check office supply stores, staples, book stores; so hurry on down with your card today.

8. Tell everyone you know what you are doing ask them to tell others as well. Word of mouth can be a powerful thing. Call friends and family, ask them what they are doing while your tell them what you are doing. Network together; promote each other as long as you are not doing the same thing. If you are why not join forces, joint ventures are hot online whose say you can't get them rolling offline as well.

Finally, after reviewing this article I realized that you would have to pay for business cards and flyers, well there is a solution for that as well. Do a search online for free offers, where all you pay is shipping and handling. Or you could make you own; remember the title low cost to free.

In conclusion this is a partial list of what you can do to market, promote and advertise your business for little to no cost to you. This is an on going process. Set down, relax and just do some brainstorming you too can come up with more ways to get your message out there. It does not have to be about a business, it could be anything. Just do it.

Michelle has been online for about 7-years now. She started out on eBay which she still does some work on occasion. After doing the eBay thing for 2-years Michelle moved over to Internet and Affiliate Marketing. She has not stopped since. Build a home business now visit for more information today.


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Top Design and Marketing Tips from a Branding Expert
This month, we wanted to share some general tips relating to your graphic design that we've come up with over the past year: Always include an address on your business card, even if you are operating a small business out of your home - it greatly increases your credibility and makes you look much more established! If you're concerned about privacy, a Post Office box is a great way to go. When signing up for a Post Office box, consider using a "Mailboxes" store instead of the Post Office - you'll get a street address instead of the typical "P.

How to Create Ads that Sell with Little Effort
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Choosing a Print Mail Dealer
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Advertising: 10 Powerful Secrets To Help You Sell Your Ad Space Like Crazy
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Online Advertising: 10 High Impact Psychological Triggers To Super-Charge Your Ad
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Custom T-shirts -- Put Your Company Logo on Cotton!
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Driving Customers to You - Your Car as a Marketing Vehicle
You can turn your vehicle into a rolling advertisement. Costs start at just a few dollars, and you can put your business name, slogan, phone number and web site URL in front of thousands of potential customers while you are driving along the freeway, stuck in traffic or even while you are parked.

How to Make a Fortune from Unique Resistance-free Advertising
One of the most powerful offers you can use in your advertising is the word Free. But, you may well ask? how can I make a profit giving my products and services away without charging for them? Which is the exact reason why you need to understand the 'LVC Formula' which stands for the Lifetime Value of a Client! Here's how it works.

Getting the Most Out of Your Networking Group
Here is my personal list of things to do at your networking group:(1) Bring your business cards. Sound simple? Well, I regularly meet people at networking groups who have forgotten their cards or their cards are at the printers.

Classified Ads That Get Results
Classified ads do not have the big market appeal that a full color display ad has, but they are still one of the most economical ways to get your business into the public eye. And, because classifieds do not demand expensive eye-catching designs or ingenious wording that you often see in direct-mail campaigns, they are a perfect marketing avenue for even new entrepreneurs.

How To Make Your Resource Box Sell
Ezine Articles - they're everywhere! And little wonder. They're one of the fastest ways of building traffic to your website.

7 Questions to Ask Before You Advertise
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Juice - Scam of the Decade or Opportunity of the Century
If you are an ardent web surfer and MLM'er like I am, then I am sure you would have seen the sales pitch "Give away free broadband and earn £27 GBP each time". Depending on which side of the fence you are, this product is either God's gift to freebies enthusiasts, MLM'ers and all paying ISP subscribers or it is the biggest scam yet, bar none.

Advertising, Public Relations, Newsletters, and Newsletters for Your Small Business
If you own a small business you should consider ways to promote yourself through public relations to compliment you advertising regiment and keeping your name out in the public and in front of your best customers. There are many ways to keep yourself visible on top of your typical advertising choices.

Advertising Your Holistic Business
The most basic answer is the same answer as to the question, how does advertising work? Advertising works through repetition, and Holistic Hometown offers you that repetition. What all successful companies know is that advertising it a process.

How You Measure Yourself Is How You Motivate Yourself
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Advertising Primer for Fast Learners
Advertising, when done well is a very effective way to increase your customer base and ultimately grow your bottom line. Many businesses have no idea how to advertise; they do a little bit here and a little bit there and end up saying that advertising doesn't work.

Send them to the White Pages
Your business is listed in the Yellow Pages whether you buy an ad or not. Your business is listed in the Yellow Book and the other phone books, too, no purchase necessary.

Direct Mail Rules of Thumb
First and foremost - You should identify your target market. Target your direct marketing lists.

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