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Blogging - RSS Information:

Writing Quality Blogs

Writing? Blogs? Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing? Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read.

Blog Problems

What in the world is up with the world of blogs? Blogs are meant to be this great new technology where people can share their ideas and interests with others around the globe. As far as I'm concerned the state of blogs is one of chaos, confusion, and anti-interactivity.

Writing Good Blogs

There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities.

RSS is a Life Raft, Saving Us from a Sea of Useless Information

One of the main problems with the Internet these days is the fact that there is so much information out there; it can be quite hard to find the particular knowledge that you're looking for. It can often feel like you're surfing waves of thick chocolate fudge sauce and your honeycomb board has a crack that's getting wider by the second.

Blog Reflection

I still consider myself to be a blog writing novice but as I've got a few entries under my belt I can tell you about an unexpected bonus of this journaling process. A lot of people think that blog writers are just people who are tooting their own horns blabbering on self-righteously about what they believe to be true in life.

Feed The Need: 5 Ways To Use RSS To Boost Your Business Or Organizational Success

RSS (it stands for Really Simple Syndication, among other things) is a relatively new technology that allows anyone who creates frequently changing web content - news, blogs, current events, etc. - to deliver their messages to interested readers with no fuss, no muss and best of all - no spam! Currently, RSS is being used by content-rich sites (mainly blogs and news centers) to keep readers up-to-date on newly published posts or breaking stories.

What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, and Atom Business?

It's been a long day at work and you're in no mood to cook dinner or go out. Time to count on the reliable pizza delivery guy.

Is a Blog Right For Your Business?

Lemmings are cute, but dumb. If you tell them to jump off a cliff, they will.

RSS & How to Use It (part 1)

Have you ever read an article, intended to explain RSS in simple terms that, begins well, but soon descends into confusing jargon or information overload? If so, take heart, I was in the same place a few months ago. Often the best way to understand something, is to use it.

RSS & How to Use It -- Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of the article that aims to give you just enough information to help you understand RSS and start using it. Part 1 gave you simple instructions on how to read and subscribe to an RSS site feed, part 2 will give you simple instructions on how to publish your own.

What Are RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds. RSS also known as rich site summary or real simply syndication, arrived on the scene a number of years ago, but was only recently embraced by webmasters as a means to effectively syndicate content.

3 Reasons To Publish An E-Newsletter AND A Blog

With spam filters on high alert, delivering a newsletter by email is not as easy as it was even one year ago. Should it reach your subscriber's inbox (without getting siphoned into a junk folder), it still has to vie for attention amongst dozens - or even hundreds - of new messages.

Benefits to RSS

RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways.

Internet Communication

Email, Instant Messaging, Blogs, RSS, Forums and Listservs: What's Next? How do we keep Internet communication simple? Let's start by taking a look at the different methods used to communicate on the web. It is important to understand the nuances and benefits of the different forms.

Should You Get A Blog?

A blog is a type of website. It allows the website owner to easily write messages that get posted to the site automatically, often in a journal or diary-like style.

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RSS Feeds  Conservation International

The podcast revolution  Harvard Gazette

Return of the RSS reader  Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard

Military RSS Feeds

News  OpenAI

RRS Sir David Attenborough  British Antarctic Survey

NCSC RSS feeds  National Cyber Security Centre




So You Have a Blog, Now What Do You Do With It? Blog Basics
(This article assumes that you have already set up a blog on your website. I highly recommend using sBlog: http://servous.

The Power of the BLOG
Can a Blog earn you a prison sentence? Ask Mojtaba Saminejad. He is an Iranian whose Blog, published in the Farsi language, earned him a two-year prison sentence in June 2005.

Seven Sizzling Ways to Turn Targeted Traffic Towards Your Blog!
Blogs are an unbelievable way to achieve success on the internet. Blogs can establish a web presence, express your opinions and generate serious profits.

If an RSS feed is the Yahoo Backdoor, is a Blog Googles?
Though the answer is in a book I wrote this July, the question is still asked of me repeatedly. Why does it work for some sites and not others? And how come some blogs get indexed in a day and then are dropped, and others stay in Google indefinitely? Well, let's take one question at a time.

To Blog Or Not To Blog - A Laymans View
We have now entered the world of blogs! Sounds kind of Harry Potterish, doesn't it? If you're over 20 years old, you probably think this is some crazy sci-fi phenomenon, or I've simply lost my mind. Don't fret, the vast majority of people don't know what a blog is all about and more importantly, why it matters to them.

Blogs are an Art Form that Takes Practice to do Well
Writing? Blogs? Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing? Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read.

Is a Blog Right For Your Business?
Lemmings are cute, but dumb. If you tell them to jump off a cliff, they will.

What is a Blog? In Plain English Please
If you are fairly new to the Internet, you have probably heard the word "Blog" flying around. But what is a blog? How does it work? And how can I use it on my website? These are all good questions, which I hope to answer for you.

How to Build a Niche Site With a Blog
Building niche sites is all the rage these days. The basic strategy is very simple.

Should You Get A Blog?
A blog is a type of website. It allows the website owner to easily write messages that get posted to the site automatically, often in a journal or diary-like style.

How To Republish RSS Feeds On Your Website
In this article I am going to cover some tools that you can use that will allow you to publish RSS feeds on your site. This will allow you to have fresh, updated content on your site and you have control of what sort of content you display and how often it is updated.

Top 10 Blog Writing Tips
Most of the "rules" about writing for ezines and newsletters apply to writing posts for your blog, but there are some important differences. Keep these 10 tips in mind and you'll be publishing great blog content that attracts prospects and clients in your niche market.

Easy RSS for Bloggers
Do you need help adding RSS feeds to your blogger? It's really easy and here is how you can do it: Log into your blogger account. Go to "settings". Go to "site feed". Copy the "site feed url". Then go to www.feedburner.

How to Get a Blog on the Internet
Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one.

Internet Communication
Email, Instant Messaging, Blogs, RSS, Forums and Listservs: What's Next? How do we keep Internet communication simple? Let's start by taking a look at the different methods used to communicate on the web. It is important to understand the nuances and benefits of the different forms.

Content Syndication Through RSS Feeds
Delivering regularly updated content to website visitors is easier through RSS resources. RSS, also known as Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, has been used for years by online visitors.

BlogoCentric Communication: The Next Great Event in Social Evolution
Here is a pretty cool lesson in the structure and travel of information in the Blogosphere (that's bloggers on the Internet talking to each other about each other). If you haven't read the book The Tipping Point yet, then you are really missing something because it sets the foundation for how future electronic communications are going to happen in the future.

3 Overlooked Ways to Get Hundreds of Links and Prospects to Your Blog
Did you know that there are free ways that you can get links back to your blog overnight? That after a few days they can number in the hundreds? No matter what you market on the internet at some point you'll face the issue of increasing the number of visitors to your site. What most people don't know is that there are literally hundreds of ways to get free traffic.

What is an RSS Aggregator or RSS Reader?
I keep hearing about RSS, XML and RSS feeds. I just barely have a clue what they are, but when people then start talking about RSS aggregators, what are they talking about and why would I want one? Do you use an aggregator, and if so, which one? Isn't jargon fun? RSS is Really Simple Syndication and it's a simple data-only version of a Web page or, in the case of a weblog, Web site.

NEWS FLASH! Article Directories JUMP-ON The RSS Syndication Band Wagon
Quick question..




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