RSS - Bogging Information Channel
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A blog is an online diary or as some people call them a weblog. They can be about any topic you would like to comment on.
Setting up a blog can seem to be a very difficult task for the non techie type out there. They(the techie types) talk about MYSQL, PHP and you need a reader to read a blog in. Then they say u gotta ping the blog.
Is that a new mixed drink or something ?
We talk to our children and they look at us as if we come from another planet.
All I want to do is blog.
My Dad being basically computer illiterate a short time ago. HMM I still think he is but I wont say it to often in this house.
I wrote these instructions for him and he had had no major problems setting up a blog.
The easiest way to start a blog in my opinion and you may wish to differ ;-) are detaled in the following steps:
You will need a reader to read the blog you make or someone elses that you subscribe to.
The 1st step is an easy way to get a reader that allows rss feeds to be pulled to your My page.
1. Go to and create a my yahoo page. If you have one already go to step 2.
2. Find a free blogging service. I reccomend They have simple and easy to follow instructions, even Dad could follow them ). Now follow the
instructions on the start page. Take your time and make sure you read the instructions. Do Not speed read them like Dad usually will do .
WOW Great job!!! Pat your self on the back.
Congratulations you have now created a blog.
3. Now open up the create new post in your new blog and write new post. Now publish it.
Now your a blogger
4. Now go back to and sign in to your "MY" account.
5. Now go to add content to your front page, upper left corner of your start page.Now click on RSS Headlines. Now copy this and paste this url in The Add New Sources box on this page.
6. Now check Sources to add. This will ad the feed to your MY page.
7. Now repeat steps 4 and 5 with your blog URL.
Happy Blogging
Sean Felker is the publisher of the very successful and popular Work at Home and Making Money on the Internet blog:
For Wordpress users version 1.5 new feature "Pages" After many requests from wordpress users, the latest version of wordpress has a build in option to create static pages. You can use static pages for an about page, contact page, a links page, etc. Small / Medium Business Blog Process Outsourcing as a Website Traffic Building Service You are a small or a medium business owner. You have a well designed business website. Who needs T.V. News, Newspapers and Radio News? T.V. Do You Know The 3 Key Ways to Blog to Promote Your Online Home Based Business? Most People who Blog and Ping only use 1 Method to promote there online Home Based Business. Their are actually 3 Keys ways a Blog can help you promote your Online Home based Business for little or no cost to you. Why Every Artist Needs a Blog & How to Create an Artist Blog As an artist, the key to selling more artwork is maximizing its exposure. The internet is an increasingly popular tool for promoting original art, and if done properly, can be quite profitable. RSS and Blog Marketing for Real Estate Earlier this month, Realtor Magazine announced that they would be featuring an article about Tampa Bay Realtor John Mudd and the success he has been having in attracting prospects and media attention with his blog on real estate.Since then, many others in the Real Estate market have been curious about how to implement similar strategies to capture leads in their areas. If an RSS feed is the Yahoo Backdoor, is a Blog Googles? Though the answer is in a book I wrote this July, the question is still asked of me repeatedly. Why does it work for some sites and not others? And how come some blogs get indexed in a day and then are dropped, and others stay in Google indefinitely?Well, let's take one question at a time. Advertising in RSS Feeds: Are we risking disaster? Advertising in RSS feeds is something that Google is considering offering to its Adwords and Adsense customers. RSS stands for Really Simply Syndication and is a really easy way for a webmaster to share their news and information stories to the world wide web. Boost your Search Engine Rankings with an RSS Feed I'm here to teach you about how RSS Feeds can boost traffic for your website. You may have heard of it, but I guarantee you are not harnessing the full power of the tool. You Are Losing Money If You're Not Using RSS Feeds On Your Website! (An RSS primer can be found near the bottom of the article)A commercial website in 2005 is really costing itself money if it does not utilize the myriad advantages of implementing RSS feeds. RSS provides near real-time delivery of information your website visitors are interested in, it provides constantly updated content that search engines crave, and it is quite simple to implement. The Best Marketing Tool For Your RSS Feed and Its Free Do a search on Blogs on Yahoo and you get 236 Million Results.A Yahoo Search on RSS yields 558 Million Results. 10 Benefits of Being a Blogger I have been a blogger since September 2004 but only began to take it seriously this year. My blogging journey began when I stumbled upon a company owned by Google named Blogger. Build a Website Using Blog Software Have you thought about how easily you could build and maintain a website if you created the entire thing using blog software? Talk about an inexpensive and easy way to make your own website, this is it!A small business could create websites for each of its product lines, and build each site with blogging software, then link them all together to a main sales site. New product announcements,a FAQ, customer support, description of features, etc, is all handled in a snap. How Bloggers Are Making Thousands of Dollars From the Google Adsense Affiliate Program There is no doubt that the Google Adsense program for publishers and site owners is one of the most successful affiliate programs anywhere. There is increasing evidence that many bloggers have managed to find the right formula to make thousands of dollars every month from little more than a handful of blogs with carefully created and compiled content. What is Blogging? Blogs have been around for many years but have recently become somewhat a new 'craze'. A Blog is short for Web Log is basically an online journal. Cash In Your Blog - 4 Ways to Profit From The Hidden Revenue In Your Blog Most webmasters and online business owners know that a blog can bring you additional revenue from advertising, and more traffic from search engines. Then there's the additional benefit of having a great way to spark productive dialogue between you and your prospects. Blogging Your Way To Success Part 4 (Continued from Blogging Your Way To Success Part 3)In this last part of the series, we will summarize what we have covered:1) You have registered for a Blogger account at http://www.blogger. Will The Real Spammer Please Stand Up! If you have been using opt-in email marketing for sometime, I'm sure you might have got accused of spam at some point, even after doing everything right.Yes, I'm talking about people who actually agreed to receive your email, blaming you for sending unsolicited mail. Creating A Basic RSS Feed For Your Site The future of RSS Feeds and internet marketing is looking bright and promising. It would be a wise decision to get yourself up to speed on this developing content sharing technology by putting together your own news feed for your site. The 7-Step RSS Marketing Plan If you're wondering how to get started with RSS marketing, here's a basic 7-step plan that should provide some needed guidance. Use these steps as your personal RSS marketing checklist to get your started and help you see whether you're on the right track. |
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